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Inspiration for BFA 

Karine Leger

Image result for karine leger

Image result for karine leger

Tammy Kanat

Image result for tammy kanat

Image result for tammy kanat

Penny Evans

Image result for penny evans

Image result for penny evans


          These three artists have heavily inspired me over the past few years within my artistic practice. Karine Leger is known for her many layered paintings, typically requiring a few months to complete. I've been following her on her journey for a while and her process is so beautiful, albeit time consuming. I'm inspired by her mark-making and use of colors becaus they're similar to mine. Tammy Kanat has also been one of my longtime inspirations. Her use of textiles and fiber has always been something I've looked up to, since I've been nervous to make the leap into fiber art. It's beautiful and I feel that I've been able to come out of my comfort zone more, especially with this weeks work (week 9). Last but not least, the woman and artist that has inspired me for the longest, Penny Evans. Her use of her culture as a springboard for inspiration is overwhelming. She constantly delves into the history of indigenous tribes in Australia, widening the understanding of those people throughout her country. She's since become more well-known, due to the fact that her work is organic in nature. The language that she creates through her work has always been a huge inspiration to me. All three of these wonderful and creative people have brought me to where I am today.  


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