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Left - 6" x 4.5" | Right - 5.5" x 4.5"

(in process - forming the kissing pots)

(in process - pre-bisque)

The Memory

Being able to watch the stars with people you love is a vert fulfilling moment. As I laid on the trampoline with the love of my life and his little brother, I was in awe at just how vast the sky was; amazed by how far it stretched without any end in sight. We had been huddled together in the backyard for about an hour before we finally saw a bright streak of light dart from one side of the Kuiper Belt to the other: a shooting star. It was remarkable - and the first one that I had ever seen. From then on, they kept shooting across the sky, one after another. 

The Concept
          My physical representation of this memory is a set of "kissing pots." The first material (earthenware) serves two purposes: to communicate closeness and body heat. The second (Mayco "Mirror Blue") and third (Mayco "Tahiti Grape") materials are glazes that represent the colors in the sky during that night. 
          The idea of "kissing pots" is centered around the concept of closeness by copying the space between myself, my boyfriend, and his little brother. The goal of the first material (earthenware) is to mimic the temperature that I felt during that very night; however, when each individual piece is held, it warms up to the temperature of the body. 


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