"The colors linger into the early winter, in the brown and orange leaves on the cottonwoods along the streams and irrigation ditches, in the strings of red chili on the fronts of houses, and in the groves of lemon yellow aspens far up in the mountains." - John Brinckerhoff Jackson, A Sense of Place, a Sense of Time , page 20 We often associate the same few colors with Mexican heritage, such a yellow and red. I was heavily inspired by the use of color and adjectives used to describe pueblo architecture in the first few chapters. The linework beneath the painting itself is reminiscent of a map, much like the one found on page 35 that details the plan of a bonito pueblo. Beneath all of the colors that surround the structures is a foundation much like that of a blueprint. The work is reminiscent of a simpler time that didn't involve the use of technology and modern day luxuries. ...