"The Bean" - Chicago, IL (2016) "The body is the primary mode of perceiving scale." The summer before I started college, I went on a trip to Chicago, IL with my best friend, Phoebe. Why would we go to Chicago? To see our role model, Kelly Nicole Long, finally graduate as a "Master of Fine Arts." At the age of 32, Kelly received her certificate from SAIC. She was my high school art teacher and always believed in me even when I didn't (she still does!). She has played a very significant role in my life and was the one that pushed me to pursue my own degree in fine art. One of the most important things you have to see when you go to Chicago is The Bean. For starters: it's very easy to underestimate the actual size of this oddity. As Phoebe and I stood beneath it, we took in just how big it actually was. When you look directly up, the entire dome is an optical illusion. The reflect...
Just your average "starving artist."